

Spring 2024    Geography of the Global Economy (GEOG-202) Spring 2024 [55 students]

GEOG202 is a second-year introductory course on the discipline of economic geography and the globalization of the world economy through an examination of its causes, patterns, and consequences in a variety of geographic contexts.

Curriculum Development

2021–2022    Planning for Work in Cities, How Cities are Planned by Work, a module designed for

the Graduate Course FCIT605: The Future of Work for the Future Cities. University of

Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Winter, 2022.


2020–2022    Certificate in University Teaching (CUTs) Program,

University of Waterloo, Centre for Teaching Excellence


2020             Fundamentals of University Teaching Program, University of Waterloo, Centre for

Teaching Excellence–accredited by the Educational Developers Caucus (EDC)


Guest Lectures and Seminars

2024             Global Production Networks and Transnational Corporations, in GEOG202: Geography of the Global Economy. University of Waterloo, Department of Geography, February 14.

2023             Women and the Global Economy, in GEOG202: Geography of the Global Economy. University of Waterloo, Geography and Environmental Management, March 21.

2022             Debt Relations and Microfinance, in GPHY333: Markets, Environments, and Societies.

University, Department of Geography and Planning, November 3.

2022             State-Citizen to Creditor-Debtor: State-led housing provision for low-income groups

in Turkey, in GEOG336: Space, Power and Politics: Citizenship in a Changing World.

University of Waterloo, Geography and Environmental Management, March 15.


2021             Finance, Digital Technologies and Financialization of Everyday Life, in GBDA412:

Special Topics in Digital Cultures. University of Waterloo, Stratford School of Interaction

Design and Business, November 16-19.


2021             Feminist Approaches in Social Sciences: Social Reproduction Theory and

Intersectionality, in SOC302: Contemporary Sociological Theory. University of Waterloo,

Department of Sociology and Legal Studies, November 9-12.

2021             Work ‘alternatives’: Spotlight on Universal Basic Income (seminar), in GEOG302:

Geographies of Work and Employment. University of Waterloo, Department of Geography

and Environmental Management, November 9.


2021             Understanding gendered debt and labour in the global South in SOC4606: Urbanization,

Gender and the Global South. York University, Department of Social Science, July 27.


2021             Social Stratification, Urban Inequalities, and Financialization of Everyday Life, in

SOC101: Introduction to Sociology. University of Waterloo, Department of Sociology and

Legal Studies [virtual], July 6-12.


2021             Theoretical Approaches to Financialization of Everyday Life and Inequalities, in

SOC406: Seminar in Contemporary Theory. University of Waterloo, Department of

Sociology and Legal Studies [virtual], July 6-12.


Teaching Assistant

2019             Human Geographies: People, Space and Change, 

Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo


2017             On Becoming a Geographer, 

Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo